Hem » black and white » Prison cells 2016-07-22 Prison cells This is the prison cells at the fortress of Varberg on the west coast of Sweden, a little difference in the cells then and now. More from our trip to Varberg HERE
2016-07-24 vid 22:55 NatureFootstep säger: det ser ut att vara rejäla väggar. Skulle nog inte vilja sitta där. 🙂
2016-07-25 vid 09:34 magnus säger: Man skulle nog tänka till några gånger xtra på den tiden innan man gjorde något dumt 🙂
2016-07-23 vid 18:21 Dragonstar säger: I suppose prisons were never meant to be desirable residences! The structure looks very strong, and the patterns of the stones are excellent.
2016-07-24 vid 08:55 magnus säger: Thank you very much, if you where prisoners at that time it was not like today (in Sweden anyway)
2016-07-23 vid 07:17 magnus säger: Thank you Follygirl, i also like history very much, not only old walls.
2016-07-22 vid 20:12 Abrianna säger: It looks similiar to the revolutionary and civil war cells here in the states. Great subject for a great photo.
2016-07-22 vid 20:10 Taken For Granted säger: If those are prison cells, this is a grim place, but it makes a perfect subject for a b&w photo.
2016-07-22 vid 20:13 magnus säger: Thank you very much, in medieval times there was no human rights organization.
det ser ut att vara rejäla väggar. Skulle nog inte vilja sitta där. 🙂
Man skulle nog tänka till några gånger xtra på den tiden innan man gjorde något dumt 🙂
those walls will keep anybody inside.
Yes they will Klara, sturdy walls.
I suppose prisons were never meant to be desirable residences! The structure looks very strong, and the patterns of the stones are excellent.
Thank you very much, if you where prisoners at that time it was not like today (in Sweden anyway)
a very interesting photo, I like old walls with history
Thank you Follygirl, i also like history very much, not only old walls.
It looks similiar to the revolutionary and civil war cells here in the states. Great subject for a great photo.
Thank you very much Abrianna!
If those are prison cells, this is a grim place, but it makes a perfect subject for a b&w photo.
Thank you very much, in medieval times there was no human rights organization.