2017-03-01 vid 19:31 stevebethere säger: Nice photo very clear too, it’s nice to eat outside when the weather is nice unfortunately that is rare in London LOL 🙂
2017-03-02 vid 06:03 magnus säger: Thank you very much!, in Sweden now days it isn’t like it was when i was a kid, no rain what so ever at summer for example 🙂
2017-03-01 vid 18:05 Marie Moody säger: I love to eat outside in the Spring & Fall when there’s NO bugs around… pesty little critters. Hate them all, but I guess it’s because I’m allergic to small insect bites. 🙁 They seem to attackt me rather than anyone else. Sheesh!!!
Nice photo very clear too, it’s nice to eat outside when the weather is nice unfortunately that is rare in London LOL 🙂
Thank you very much!, in Sweden now days it isn’t like it was when i was a kid, no rain what so ever at summer for example 🙂
I love to eat outside in the Spring & Fall when there’s NO bugs around… pesty little critters. Hate them all, but I guess it’s because I’m allergic to small insect bites. 🙁 They seem to attackt me rather than anyone else. Sheesh!!!
Well, bugs are not my favorite either.