Hem » black and white » A broom called Piassava

A broom called Piassava

A broom called Piassava

Now that autumn is really here, I have to pick up the broom called Piassava and clean up in front of the door almost daily. That broom almost does not tear out. That broom has gone from father to son for generations now, and my son will inherit it in turn, most certainly also his children.

12 kommentarer

    • magnus säger:

      Thank you very much, it’s because such a broom is almost indestructible that it can be handed over for next generation, that is if you dont use it for many hours a day, all year around 🙂

    • magnus säger:

      Thank you very much, If you use a broom like that a short time, a couple times a week just to take away the leaf and other things, you have the broom for many years to come, because the straw is very hard

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